Can I have any color as long as it's gray ?


I would like to change the background color and the color of the text in a
label widget from within my application. I have a set of labels which
indicate if some bit is set or not. If the bit is set I want to change the
background color from gray to e.g. red; and back again when the bit is
cleared. Can someone tell me how to do it ?  I can't figure it out. 


  Ulf Griesmann                       \\\   tel(work): 301-975-4929
  National Institute of                \\\   tel(home): 301-330-4866
  Standards & Technology                \\\   fax: 301-975-5485 
  Atomic Physics Division, Bld. 221/A167 \\\
  Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, U.S.A.    \\\ 

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