Gtk & multi-thread...

	Can anyone point me to resources that might give examples of how to do
multi-threaded apps using gtk?  What I am trying to do is write an email
program that has all of the actual work done in separate threads from
the main display thread, so that while the program is doing something
the display will remain usuable and not lock up.  One method that I and
a friend of mine had thought up was to do something like adding the
function calls gtk_main_fd_add to add a fd that gtk selects() on (I am
assuming that gtk_main puts gtk into a while loop that selects on the
socket to the X server), and a gtk_main_fd_handler_add(), to put in
functions to deal with the added file descriptors (to allow for
communication between the threads cleanly).  Is something like this
already in gtk?  Anyone with multi-threading experience in gtk out
there?  THanks for any\all help.
If I had had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter -
Why do you find it so hard to believe in life after death, considering 
that the first life came after death?
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