Re: [gtk-list] Re: Modal III

> No! The FAQ is perfectly correct. If the version of GTK you are using
> doesn't have the gtk_ versions of these functions then you are running
> such an old version that you are going to come across much bigger
> problems than this. Upgrade!
> Tony

  For Christ's sake stop bashing on the subject, I have read this
  a lot already! it is not my fault that Red Hat's version is so
  'old' ok? besides I am trying to learn it and explore the possibilities
  so until now it was ok.

  Now, just got myself a 56K modem (here in NL even local calls are
  billed by the minute and megabytes of download at 14.4K wasn't
  very feasable you know...) and have the following question then if
  you insist:

  I have RH 5.0 with some RPM updates from the errata.


  So far even GIMP works nicely (compared to RH4.1 which core dumped
  quite often...). What I would like to do is to upgrade GTK/GLIB etc
  and whatever is necessary without breaking the rest of my system as
  I have heard that RH5.1 versions weren't 'good enough'. So where
  do I find SUITABLE rpm upgrades for my system? The GTK/GIMP sites
  seem to have only .tar.gz and I'd like to keep 'foreign formats'
  kept to a minimun (RPM is very convenient).

  Also, what I am missing is some sort of Release Notes on the web
  that would tell me or any other interested party what has changed
  or at least to determine whether one really needs such an upgrade
  and better assess (sp?) the risks of such operation.

  Last but not least by upgrade I mean a stable version (or relatively
  stable), the links to 'stable release' on GIMP was a dead end :(

      __o          "Admit nothing, deny everything, demand proof. :)"
    _`\<,_           -James Ebbs
                    D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon

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