Re: [gtk-list] My experiences with GTK - what I would like changed...

> Hi !
> Alright, after writing my first program with the gTK+ toolkit I'd like
> to talk about what should be changed/added:
> - - The GTK+ seems to follow a "click-to-focus" strategy even if the
> window manager (and hence all other applications) follow a
> "focus-follows-mouse" one. This is kinda annoying, because I need to
> click on a button, leave the window again (because otherwise it won't
> acknowledge the focus) and then I can use the button. I think this is
> the biggest flaw of GTK "feel-wise".

 yes, that's true - i find a bit annoying, that both Qt and GTK+ use click
 to focus strategy - it's much like in the stupid winblows making one
 click here, click there. but i understand that everything has its time to
 be implemented. it'd be a nice improvement towards ease of use, though.

> - - What about giving the programmer the possibility to attach own data
> structures to Widgets ? I'd like a function set like
> void gtk_widget_submit_userdata(Widget* widget, gpointer* data);
> void gtk_widget_delete_userdata(Widget* widget, gint number);
> gpointer* gtk_widget_retrieve_userdata(Widget* widget, gint number);
> This could easily by done by a GList, I guess... and it would make
> object oriented programming even easier.

 those functions are already implemented, only they differ in names:

 void gtk_object_set_user_data (GtkObject *object,
				gpointer   data); 
 gpointer gtk_object_get_user_data (GtkObject *object); 				

> - - The last big thing I have been looking and couldn't find was a
> signal handler where I can have a routine being called when a child
> dies or sends any other signal. I know I could probably do that by
> directly using the systems handlers, but it would be much better to
> only have GTK managing this kind of stuff.
> Alright - this is what came to my mind right now. Any comments ?
> Later,
> 	Georg
> - -- 
> Georg C. F. Greve <>
> - ICQ#10016966
> "People who fight may lose. People who do not
> fight have already lost." -- Bertolt Brecht
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