Re: [gtk-list] GTK+ Documentation

First thing for the people that want to help with documentation
need to do is figure out cvs (information is on the web page,
or at least there is a link there).  That is the definative 
current version, docs too.  To change it, send patches.  If you
need help or have questions about this, send me e-mail.  

I think obviously Trog has done extremely well with the Tutorial
and FAQ, so I assume these are the things desired:

        GTK+ Manual/Reference  
        GDK Manual/Reference
        Man Pages

If someone wants man pages, make a man page for the GtkButton widget 
so we have an example to follow.  It is easier to patch and add than to
invent, almost always.

For the other two, the first thing we need is to know what sections
people wish to work on and to work out an initial skeleten.  I'll 
work some on the GDK Manual and commit what I have at the end of the

If you send me what you want to work on (be specific) and what
ideas you have for a general outline, I will put up this information

Shawn T. Amundson           

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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