Widget inheritance question

I'm currently following the GTK tutorial on how to inherit widgets to
create new composite widgets and I have a question about the inheritance

In C++, you can simply pass on arguments to the parent class (or widget)
in the constructor.  However, in vanilla GTK, I don't see any way to pass
the arguments I need to the parent widget (in this case GtkWindow).

How do I get my new widget to set the type of its parent widget
(GtkWindow) to GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL by default?  Pointers to examples or
tips on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

                                      - Dave

  Name:  David Finton                  | "Don't be afraid you'll make really
 Email:  dfinton@d.umn.edu             |  dumb mistakes.  Sometimes really
   Web:  http://www.d.umn.edu/~dfinton |  dumb mistakes are the only way to
                                       |  learn the really fundamental and
                                       |  important lessons in life."

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