GtkCTree question

I've a GtkCtree with some nodes. When the user clicks on a node, data
is read and the result is appended to the clicked node.

this is done with ther following function calls:

      while (the_table)
	  text[0] = the_table->data;
	  gtk_ctree_insert(GTK_CTREE(browsertree), tablesnode, NULL, text, 5,
			   NULL, NULL,
			   GNOME_PIXMAP(pixmap)->pixmap, GNOME_PIXMAP(pixmap)->mask,
			   FALSE, TRUE);
	  the_table = g_list_next(the_table);
      gtk_ctree_expand(GTK_CTREE(browsertree), tablesnode);

the_table is a GList holding the data to be displayed.
browsertree is the gtkctree
and tablesnode is the node which should be the parent of the new
attached nodes.

This is done in "button_press" signal handling function.

The problem is, the display doesn't change. Well the background gets
blue, but the new items are not shown, and the tablesnode node,
doesn't get a '+' or '-' bitmap on the crossing of the lines.

What am i doing wrong?
Michael Lausch/g.a.m.s. edv dienstleistungen gmbh
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