Re: [gtk-list] Re: CORBA (was: Re: New key-binding system)

> CORBA is essentially the object-oriented equivalent to remote procedure
> call, which also requires the use of stubs and skeletons.  To use
> something like CORBA or RPC for a simple application like "Hello World" 
> is going to produce bloated code, because of all of the unnecessary
> overhead for an application that doesn't require a request broker, and
> isn't a fair representation.  For an application that does, say,
> transaction processing, where a lot of the actual implementation may
> reside on 10 different systems around the world, you may find the actual
> code size for the local machine is pretty small compared to what it would
> be like if the entire system was located on a central server. 

  Of course CORBA comes with an amount of overhead which increases
filesize, but in a decent way. My opinion about this is that this guy
does something wrong. Why? I used Iona Orbix for some time which is a full
featured ORB. A simple accounting program came about 50-60 KB in size if
compiled without debugging information. Of course the ORB stuff was
dynamically linked. The same applies to OmniOrb if compiled without
debugging information and dynamically linked.
  In fact Orbix was intelligent enough to detect if the called interface
was remote or not leading prbbly to major performance boosts. The question
is simply why the guy with lack of knowledge leaves other first time CORBA
developers with this wrong going impression?
  Why did he not simply ask if _he_ did something wrong?


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