Re: [gtk-list] Re: vi bindings for text widgets

Edit mode, along with double-click time, could be set in the users
.gtkrc file.

Does this sound viable?  Other toolkits let the programmer set these
things, but gtk already has rc parsing capabilities -- so let the USER
set it!  

Why not have gtk look for ~/.gtkrc every time gtk_rc_parse is called? 
It would read in ~/.gtkrc before the .rc file that was requested.

Things that could go into ~/.gtkrc could be:

	Edit mode
	Double Click Time
	Slide Button Contents When Pressed
	Default font size
	Default fg and bg colors

Some of this is probably gnome type stuff, but the Double Click Time is
#define'd to be 250 ms, and that's too short for me.  I'd like to be
able to change it SOMEHOW.


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