Re: [gtk-list] More questions: object type and placement

On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Patrick Rogan wrote:

> 1)  How do i determine the type of a GtkWidget or gpointer object?
> (clist, table, etc.)

GTK_OBJECT_TYPE (clist) or
GTK_OBJECT_TYPE (table) returns an object's type.

> 2)  Is there no plain "canvas" type container that let's me put what i
> want on it at an x,y coordinate (read: "ONE x,y coordinate")?  

you might want to try out GtkFixed.

> The table container is way to rigid. I just want a canvas widget with a
> predefined pixel based coordinate system that i don't have to specify
> the upper left AND lower right coordinates of the objects i put on it.
> The objects I'll want to put on the canvas are buttons, hboxes and
> vboxes containing text and pixmaps.
> Looking around, it looks like i want to use the drawing area widget. 
> But how do I place (not pack) widgets on this?
> ~p@


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