Draw Rectangle help

 Please,help me!

 I just start to learn programming. I cannot
 draw a simple stupid rectangle in a center
 of window.Can somebody send me a source

 Thanx  Petr

|  Ing. PETR STURC                                          |
|  DEPT. OF MAGNETISM             tel. +420 2 6605-2705     |
|  INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AV CR     tel. +420 2 6605-2108     |
|  NA SLOVANCE 2                  fax. +420 2 821227        |
|  CZ 180 40 PRAHA 8              E-mail: sturc@fzu.cz      |
|  CZECH REPUBLIC                 http://www.fzu.cz/~sturc/ |
|                                                           |

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