Re: Working on a simple page-layout app

>>>>> "D" == David Huggins-Daines <> writes:

D> Also, (this is somewhat off-topic) I'm finding that the main
D> stumbling block to WYSIWYG-ness is font metrics... does anyone know
D> of GPL/LGPL code or a library for consistently measuring text in
D> Type-1 fonts across various dpi and point sizes?  Doing this myself
D> involves understanding .afm files, and that is not something that
D> is within my powers.

For this, I would strongly recommend asking the folks in comp.fonts.
The people there know so much about fonts it's frightening.  I can't
really help you, but I know there are two ways you can go:

*  Read in the AFMs, getting kerning, ligature, etc information,
making for nice output

*  Somehow measure the characters, which worked for Final Writer on
the Amiga, but I don't know how.

Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
Never argue with a fool -- people might not be able to tell the difference.

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