Apparent gtk+ Problem


I ran into problems compiling GIMP and gzilla using gtk+ 0.99.2.
I use a HP-UX 9.03 box, gcc 2.7.2, Gnu binutils, Gnu awk, Gnu sed, etc etc
(I simply trew off the whole HP junk and replaced it by working Gnu versions where possible)

Compiling gzilla, gimp and gtk+ is no major problem; but running either of the as well
as the test programs in gtk+-0.99.2/gtk produces the following output:

stahlw00:/users/gnu/gtk+-0.99.2/gtk 11> ./testgtk
locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
can not set locale modifiers

** WARNING **: Don't open IM.

** WARNING **: unable to open input method.

** ERROR **: sigbus caught

stahlw00:/users/gnu/gtk+-0.99.2/gtk 12> ./testinput

** WARNING **: Don't open IM.

** WARNING **: unable to open input method.

** ERROR **: sigbus caught

Well, you get the picture.

Ralf Hildebrandt, (PGP Key @ request )
Institute for Steel Structures @ Technical University of Braunschweig
Beethovenstr. 51, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany

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