Re: [gtk-list] How to invoke Xclient?

The function required by the "activate" signal is different
than that of system().

So, you do not want to invoke system() directly.  You want to do 
something like this: (I'm tired so this may not be 100% typed 

sys_callback (GtkMenuItem *menuitem, gpointer data)
  gchar *command;
  command = (gchar*) data;


gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate",
                    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (sys_callback), (gpointer)"kterm &");

You can determine the correct prototype for a signal function by looking
at the widget's class.  For menu item that is GtkMenuItemClass, which has:

  void (* activate)      (GtkMenuItem *menu_item);

(This is from gtkmenuitem.h.)

Append gpointer to that and you have the prototype.


On Fri, Dec 18, 1998 at 05:31:24PM +0900, Chowdhury Takdir Hossain wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to launch a Xclient program from the menu item of my program but
> failing. The statement has the following shape.
> gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(menuitem),"activate",(GtkSignalFunc)system,(gpointer)"kterm &");
> It can be compiled. But when I select the item and release it I get a message
> on my terminal saying that "sh::command not found"
> Is there any way in gtk+ to launch a Xclient program? Am I missing something
> in my code? 
> Could anyone please help me in this regard.
> Regards,
> --Takdir
> -- 
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Shawn T. Amundson           

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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