RE: [gtk-list] Re: Upgrading GTK+ on RedHat 5.0 machine

Thanks for that, but I have actually tried using the RPMs and I still
get the same problem.

I saw on a GIMP-related site info regarding this.  It appears the
control panel relies on a particular version of GTK+, so if you upgrade
GTK+ then the dependencies for control panel are broken.  I tried
upgrading to the control panel from RH5.1 as well...but still the same


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Brubaker []
Sent: Thursday, 6 August 1998 23:15
To: ''
Subject: [gtk-list] Re: Upgrading GTK+ on RedHat 5.0 machine

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Ashton, Kristian wrote:

> Hi All.
> I was just wondering if anyone has overcome the problem of upgrading
> GTK+ on a RedHat 5.0 machine without affecting apps such as control
> panel.
> Each time I have tried to upgrade to a version of GTK+ higher than
> on a RedHat 5.0 installation there are then problems with control
> (it just won't run).  I found out some info on this from the GIMP
> archives, but I haven't found a fix and I need to upgrade GTK+ now.
> Does anyone have any suggestions...?

I don't know if you've tried, but there are RPMs available for GTK+.
upgrading to those and/or removing you're old version of GTK+ before
upgrading.  Also, you can get updates for controlpanel from redhat.

Marcus Brubaker

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