GtkCList and shortcuts

On Wed, Apr 29, 1998 at 12:39:48AM -0700, Matt Wimer wrote:
> In addition:  clist in MULTIPLE mode needs to take shift/ctrl click 
> modifiers for it to be even halfway useful.
> My opinion on list and clist:  They are totally worthless for anything
> remotly sophisticated.  
> I guess i would be happy with a 100 line hack, if you or i knew one.  

I agree with Matt.

As I've said before, I'd like to write a crude file manager-like program, that
uses a lot of shortcuts.
That's why I'm going to add shift/ctrl modifiers to clist (I've looked at
xqf). But not only for mouse operations, also for arrow keys. The arrow keys
normally changes which widget has the focus. I have to override this

I must also add an "active" element in the list (cf the listbox tk widget). I'm
wondering if I can use the focus to show this element. Asked differently: is it
possible to focus a text row in the clist widget ? It is possible in the GtkList
widget, but I think GtkCList is more interesting. 
Another way to show the active element would be to change the background color
of the element. Comments ??

A general remark: shortcuts in gtk aren't great. I really think the way Windobe
handles shortcuts should be copied (I also think it's nearly all that should be
copied from Windobe), it's very efficient for those hating their mouse. For
example, in Windobe, you can do nearly everything without using your mouse AND
without knowing any shortcuts (as the window tells you the
shortcuts). Underlined letters are a good way to go through a dialog box.  Under
X-window, it's not that easy. In Gimp, when you remember the keystroke, it's
great. But when you don't remember it, well, you have to use your mouse.

Thank's for your remarks, Pixel.

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