list and clist

I'm not HAVING a problem with list and clist I HAVE a problem with 
list and clist.

In GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE mode clicking and dragging in the list/clist *doesn't*
select the items that you drag over.

In GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE mode clicking and dragging *doesn't* cause 
the selection to move with the mouse.

i don't know if you guys consider this to be a bug, but i sure do.
all widget sets work the other way.

In addition:  clist in MULTIPLE mode needs to take shift/ctrl click 
modifiers for it to be even halfway useful.

My opinion on list and clist:  They are totally worthless for anything
remotly sophisticated.  

I guess i would be happy with a 100 line hack, if you or i knew one.  

Flames are welcome:  I think list and clist suck!

matt wimer

the drop down entry widget is as messed up as the others.

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