Re: objgtk vs. threads on RH 4.2

On Mon, Apr 27, 1998 at 05:05:23PM +0200, Johannes Keukelaar wrote:
> The problem is not so much that the errno definitions differ, but that errno in 
> libc5 under Linux is not thread safe. I.e. if one thread sets errno to 
> something, it will be set for all threads. Basically, if you want to do 
> threads, go for libc6. (As far as I know, though, switching libc is _not_ 
> trivial. Go for a nice new distribution such as RH5. (Although that has other 
> problems.))

Well, I actually don't want to do threads :-)

I just want to get gtk and gnome apps working on my libc5 system, which use obj-c.
Is it really necessarry to link all obj-c apps againt libpthread?

all Makefiles show
OBJC_LIBS = -lobjc -lpthread 


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