Re: Garbage Collection and other things (belated) wrote:
>Except that if you've got widgets written in guile or perl or Objective
>C that you're using, then it may not be so good.  There are combinations
>that just won't be possible, of course... again, the ambitions of the
>gtk folks in this area aren't known to me, but given the strategy
>they've taken towards making gtk useable from a variety of languages,
>it seems like they must be thinking about multi-lingual widget sets
>at some point. Or not.  I can see either point of view being argued for
>("less filling!... great taste!..." etc.).
Hey, I have more than enough trying to get the whole picture with just C
and *one* garbage-collected language ;-)
Let me express it better: it's not that I want *the* m3 collector to
manage everything. If GTK happens to get a true collector and we find a
way to make it work well with other 'foreign' collectors, I'm ok. But
reference counting is not ok.
If we are to get ambitious... I've been having a look at the internals
of microkernels and multi-server systems, and in some cases there are
'pager' servers that run on their own and do the memory management for
other processes. I guess what we would need is to have the OS support
garbage collection itself, the same way it supports 'manual' memory
management with these pagers.

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