Okay, another RC file problem.

I must have really bad luck (or I'm a complete idiot), but I always seem
to have trouble with RC files.  Anyway, here is a code fragment from my




if (horizontal)
  volume_slider.widget = gtk_hscale_new(GTK_ADJUSTMENT(adjustment));
  volume_slider.widget = gtk_vscale_new(GTK_ADJUSTMENT(adjustment));

gtk_widget_set_name(volume_slider.widget, "volume slider");
gtk_scale_set_draw_value(GTK_SCALE(volume_slider.widget), FALSE);
gtk_widget_set_usize(volume_slider.widget, width, height);


My RC file looks like this:

style "slider"
  bg[NORMAL] = { 0.50, 0.50, 0.50 }
  bg[ACTIVE] = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 }
  bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.50, 0.50, 0.50 }

widget "volume slider" style "slider"

Now, my problem is the volume slider isn't changing.  Am I doing this
correctly?  If I change the style setting so it's like this:

widget_class "*Gtk*Scale" style "slider"

it works fine, but using the name directly, it doesn't.  Any ideas as to
why this might be?  Thanks for any help here.


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