Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK modula-3 bindings

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Daniel Solaz wrote:

> Michael Beach wrote:

> My hierarchy of objects would follow GTK's. The docs say clearly that
> GTK is an object oriented system, but I didn't see a tree showing the
> structure of the hierarchy of classes. I looked at GTK-- for this sort
> of info but didn't find any. Right now I don't know which class is
> ancestor to which class. Will I have to take a closer look into each
> header, or did I miss something? Maybe in gtk.defs as well?

hm, the tree of the gtk.defs file that marius posted isn't really correct
for the current version.

the correct gtk tree should always be in gtk+/docs/gtkfaq.sgml, but here
it goes for gtk+ 1.0.0 anyways:

  | +GtkAdjustment
  | `GtkTooltips
    | +GtkBin
    | | +GtkAlignment
    | | +GtkEventBox
    | | +GtkFrame
    | | | `GtkAspectFrame
    | | +GtkHandleBox
    | | +GtkItem
    | | | +GtkListItem
    | | | +GtkMenuItem
    | | | | `GtkCheckMenuItem
    | | | |   `GtkRadioMenuItem
    | | | `GtkTreeItem
    | | +GtkViewport
    | | `GtkWindow
    | |   +GtkColorSelectionDialog
    | |   +GtkDialog
    | |   | `GtkInputDialog
    | |   `GtkFileSelection
    | +GtkBox
    | | +GtkButtonBox
    | | | +GtkHButtonBox
    | | | `GtkVButtonBox
    | | +GtkHBox
    | | | +GtkCombo
    | | | `GtkStatusbar
    | | `GtkVBox
    | |   +GtkColorSelection
    | |   `GtkGammaCurve
    | +GtkButton
    | | +GtkOptionMenu
    | | `GtkToggleButton
    | |   `GtkCheckButton
    | |     `GtkRadioButton
    | +GtkCList
    | +GtkFixed
    | +GtkList
    | +GtkMenuShell
    | | +GtkMenuBar
    | | `GtkMenu
    | +GtkNotebook
    | +GtkPaned
    | | +GtkHPaned
    | | `GtkVPaned
    | +GtkScrolledWindow
    | +GtkTable
    | +GtkToolbar
    | `GtkTree
    | `GtkCurve
    | +GtkEntry
    | | `GtkSpinButton
    | `GtkText
    | +GtkArrow
    | +GtkImage
    | +GtkLabel
    | | `GtkTipsQuery
    | `GtkPixmap
    | +GtkScale
    | | +GtkHScale
    | | `GtkVScale
    | `GtkScrollbar
    |   +GtkHScrollbar
    |   `GtkVScrollbar
    | +GtkHRuler
    | `GtkVRuler

> Thanks in advance.
> -Daniel


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