Re: [gtk-list] Re: Multiple Display support in GTK+?

On Sat, Apr 11, 1998 at 12:45:07AM -0500, Nathan Froyd wrote:
> Hmmm. Properly written Xlib programs can display themselves on any
> display (screen) specified by the user. I'm guessing that GTK+ only
> allows the program to show itself on the default screen (probably the
> one pointed to by $DISPLAY). My question is 'Could there be a mechanism
> to tell GTK+ to display everything on a different screen?' (from within
> the same program)

Use 'prog --display xhost:n' to display all of the windows on the n screen
of xhost.
A while ago I did a patch to allow gdk to connect on multiple displays:
you could use GTK in a single display, but use windows (and get events from)
as many displays you wanted calling gdk_init() multiple times.
The patch was against a cvs snapshot of gtk+ in early february: I don't
think you can apply it now without trouble:-)
I'll try to update and include it in the GTK+ 2.0 release:-)


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