Re: Installing GTK by hand (not really, make does almost all of it)

Great. Not only does this 'make prefix=/foo/bar' thing let me see what
the installer does, it will solve most of the process of preparing the
package. Thanks to all.
(It's *very* nice to have answers within a couple of hours.)
>As for the choice of /usr/X11R6, that is a choice that depends on
>your own (and Slackware's) policy on the matter. I think both
>the Debian and Redhat packages use --prefix=/usr
My policy is mainly not doing what windows did: litter the system folder
with DLLs of unknown origin. So X related things go into /usr/X11R6. If
something ends up in /usr/lib is probably because I didn't find a better
place (112 megs of stuff there right now).

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