

 i've got some questions i'd like to know answers to. i'd be very grateful
if someone could answer them. thanks a lot.

	a) how can i the change behaviour of the TAB key in GtkTable
	widget ? i want to preset the order in which widgets in the table
	will get focused. i still hasn't got any reply to this question :(

	b) why is in gtk_widget_install_accelerator the key defined as
	gchar, when in <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> the keys are gint ? i'd like
	some button to be "clicked" when GDK_Return is pressed in a dialog
	box. or GDK_Escape will result in destroying the dialog.

	c) when i press any combination that is to send "clicked" to a
	button, the button is not drawn to be "pushed". when in the
	callback i added a line with 
		gtk_signal_emit_by_name(button, "pressed");
	the button doesn't redraw itself, only when i move the mouse
	pointer over it. so this item actually consists of two questions.
	how can i make the button when its accelerator has been pressed to
	be "pressed/pushed" and why doesn't the button widget redraw
	itself when a signal of its state changing has been emitted ?

	d) how can i remove a given accelerator from a widget? i know
	there's gtk_widget_remove_accelerator(), but this function seems
	quite well difficult ? couldn't there just be a function to which
	i'd only send as parameters the widget affected, the key, and the
	modifier mask ?

	e) i want to make my program as accessible by the keyboard as
	possible so i installed accelerators to the menu items in the menu
	bar. the accelerator key are drawn there (in the menu bar) which
	obviously shouldn't happen. i think that the letter that
	activates the menu item should be underlined too and in case the
	menu item is not in the menu bar, also the accelerator should be
	shown on the right of the item.

	f) this is related to e). after adding accelerators to the menu
	items in the menu bar, only that item that doesn't have a submenu
	is actually send the "activate" signal. but i want to press Alt+F
	for example (which is an accelerator for a menu item located
	in the menu bar File and has submenu with those familiar
	Open ..., Save, Save As ..., Close etc.) but when i press Alt+F
	nothing happens. i have to use mouse and send the "activate"
	signal with it, which is not quite the idea i want ;)

  huh, that mail got long but i hope my questions are not dumb. and i
wish, u ppl kept the good work and made GTK+ the X programming library
most widespread.

	thanks a lot,

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