Missing header file in examples

I just installed, from source, gtk+-0.99.9

It seems that every header file that should be in the examples directory
is missing : 

-zsh- dfaure 15:44 ~/src/GNOME/gtk+-0.99.9/examples/gtkdial>make make: ***
No rule to make target `gtkdial.h', needed by `gtkdial.o'.  Stop.  -zsh-
dfaure 15:44 ~/src/GNOME/gtk+-0.99.9/examples/gtkdial>ls Makefile
dial_test.c gtkdial.c

=> no gtkdial.h ! 

Same for tictactoe. 

Am I doing something wrong ? 

(Other question, about gnome) : 

Is there a gdk_imlib.h file in gtk+ ? I can't find any, but it seems that
gnome relies on it : 

('make' in gnome-libs-0.13)  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I.. -I./.. 
-I/usr/local/include -I../support - I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
-I/usr/X11R6/include -g -O2 -c -fPIC -DPIC gnome-pixmap.c
gnome-pixmap.c:9: gdk_imlib.h: No such file or directory

Thanks for your help ! 

|                                                                    |
|  David FAURE                  Phone : Intl.(+33) 4 72 82 94 85     |
|  Departement Informatique             Natl. 04 72 82 94 85         |
|  I.N.S.A  Chambre I 009                                            |
|  69621 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX     E-mail : David.Faure@insa-lyon.fr    |
|  FRANCE                                                            |
|  http://www.insa-lyon.fr/People/AEDI/dfaure/index.html             |

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