Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_file_selection bug under gtk+970915?

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Stephen Dunn wrote:

> The above code is basically the file selection demo from Ian's gtk+
> tutorial on the web. The file selection box comes up after the errors
> are given, but the buttons in the "action area" are not connected to
> the actions I gave them. The warnings given for this are:
> ** WARNING **: could not find signal type "clicked" in the "GtkLabel"
>    class ancestry
> ** WARNING **: could not find signal type "clicked" in the "GtkVBox"
>    class ancestry
> It runs fine under gtk+ from gimp-0.99.10. I'm using gtk+970915 on
> Solaris 2.5.1. I guess what's puzzling me is that I thought it would
> be the sort of bug that everyone would notice straight away- which
> probably means that it's simply to do with my setup here :-(

probably, the only thing i got when running your program were some

> ** WARNING **: resize pending

warnings after closing, which i get a hell of a lot in GUBI too...

as i got similar warnings when starting GUBI with gtk+970915 before
recompilation, you might want to check the binary and header file
versions your programs are actualy using.

> Thanks,
> Steve 
> --


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