Re: [gtk-list] new application

Pavel Greenfield said:
>I've just written an small application which graphs a function of one
>variable but several parameters. For example, F = -m1*m2/r^2 is a function
>of 3 parameters. In the application you can label one of the parameters as
>a variable and treat the rest as parameters, whose value you can again
>vary interactively.
>Take a peak at it at and download it from 
>Comments, suggestions, etc are welcome, and, in fact, requested!


Hmm. Is that the smell of a calculator app? A knockoff of the
HP48 that doesn't rely on the ROMs would be oh so sweet. And
in gtk to boot.

BTW, I really like the "I'm the variable!," "Make me the variable!" 
stuff. ;)


James Mitchell
CSci Systems Staff
University of Minnesota 

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