Re: [gtk-list] Re: urgent HELP !! (out off topic,)

	Hello Christophe

> > 	Hi there!
> > 
> > I would like to modify some curves : actually to make baseline corrections.
> > The data are in ascii format and are of the type y = f(x).
> >
> > Is there any free software available to perform such task ? Maybe Gimp ?
> > 
> Yes easiest is to use sed, awk, perl:-)

aaarrrrrrrgh, I don't know how to use sed and awk and I'm just discovering Perl; 
but for the moment have to wait for better time!

> could you give me a short example of what you are trying to do?
> (curves ?! are a wide field)
> (what's the exact format?
> e.g.
> x<delimiter>y or what?

That's the good format for the files I use. 'y' takes the form: 'y = f1(x)+f2(x)'. 
(These are experimental data) I'm interesting in f1 and would like to get rid of f2. 
I know what f2 and f1 *should look like* but don't know their equations .. And finding 
their approximations/expressions may take time.

That the reason I'm looking for something like a < WYSISYG-curves-editor >.
> or 
>  sth like this:
>          x
>  xxxxxxxx x
> x          x 
>             x
>              x
> both are ascii:-)

nope !)

> > Thanx in advance, Max
> > 
> > P.S. Even M$-softs are welcome
> Hell no!

I hope so :)

> regards,
> Christoph

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