as always: questions

In anticipation of 1.0....

1. Is it acceptable to separate plug-ins into a few files or is it
(decidedly) better to put it all in one file...

2. How about supplying pixmaps with your plug-in. What's the final word:
where do they go? (BTW, how do you introduce transparancy into an XPM?)

3. Why does the following cause the GIMP to complain:
gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(alabel), 0.0, 0.5);
(Need to be more specific?)

4. What are the right libs to use in a Makefile: .so, .so.1, .so.1.0, or
.so.1.0.0? I assume it's the first one....



  Pavel Grinfeld      |        |
  (212) 449 1318 (w)  |  (718) 797 1688 (h)

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