Re: [gtk-list] Re: GUBIs interface (was: Re: ANNOUNCE: python-gtkversion 0.1)

> ok, but *please* stick to this naming scheme, i'm currently figuring out
> a general function/types description for Gubi to support all languages
> that have Gtk+ bindings (which is not as easy as it might seem on the
> first look). therefore (and for consitency in usage!) we need some simple
> rules to do name/case conversions.

Perhaps a little bit off-topic, but that was the nice thing about NEXTSTEP: The InterfaceBuilder created real, living objects, and just archived them (dumped them into a file). When the program was started, the objects were unarchived into the memory, et voila, there's your program.

The InterfaceBuilder didn't write a single line of code (well, almost...).


| Gregor Hoffleit Mathematisches Institut, Uni HD |
| INF 288, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany |
| (NeXTmail, MIME) (49)6221 54-5771 fax 54-8312 |
| PGP Key fingerprint = 23 8F B3 38 A3 39 A6 01 5B 99 91 D6 F2 AC CD C7 |

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