Re: [gtk-list] Re: Widget registry

Realistically, it would be dumb to maintain a duplicate of this since
it has some good potential for changing rapidly.  I'm more waiting for
a URL, which should be sufficient. 

If *this* seems like miscommunication of two people who work at
the same place, it isn't either.  We are actually plotting a 
complex arrangement of GTK+ FAQ ads in order to efficiently combat 
the evil alien empire.  


On Thu, 29 May 1997, James S Mitchell wrote:

> Actually, Shawn's FAQ has a section on projects that are underway using
> gtk. Perhaps this would be a good thing for the FAQ, a list of 
> composite widgets that are being constructed. Elliot, I'm sure Shawn
> would appreciate a forward of any messages you recieve.
> James
> Elliot Lee said:
> >
> >Is anyone maintaining a list of the widgets various people are working on
> >and/or have written? If not, please e-mail me with a name/short
> >destription of widgets you are doing (that are not in the main gtk
> >distribution) and I'll see what I can do about getting one started. 
> >
> >[actually this is just a post to see if the archive updating is working,
> >but have to have that obGTK content :-]
> >-- Elliot
> >perl -MIO::Socket -e \
> >'IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"")->send("bye",MSG_OOB)'
> >	(R. Schwartz, on BugTraq)
> >
> >--
> >To unsubscribe: mail -s unsubscribe < /dev/null
> >
> -- 
> James Mitchell
> CSci Systems Staff
> University of Minnesota
> --
> To unsubscribe: mail -s unsubscribe < /dev/null

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff     	

You can't talk to a PSYCHO like a normal human being!!!!  -Poe

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