[gtk-list] Re: Frame around the pixmap in button and color

Sascha Ziemann writes:
>If I put a pixmap into a button, the pixmap has a small frame at the top
>and at the left but not at the right and bottom.
>Is that normal? Is gtk_misc_set_alignment with 0.5 0.5 not enough?

Yes, its normal. Its the way the shadowing works. I think it usually
looks better to put a 2 or 3 pixel border around pixmaps in buttons
using "gtk_misc_set_padding".

>Another problem is the transparent color. I know the RGB values of the
>color in the xpm file and the index of the color. But I need a GTK color
>struct to specify the color. How can I get such a struct from the pixmap
>object I created with pixmap_new_from_xpm?

Huh? The pixmap loading code should handle the transparent color
automatically (with the "transparent_color" argument). Perhaps I'm not
understanding your problem.


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