Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gzilla widget set design proposal

Raph Levien wrote:

> I'll probably implement my scroller so that objects get size
> allocated when they're added to the page, but not realized and mapped
> until they become visible. Is this what you meant?

Not exactly, but my idea was garbage. It would not help.

> So please don't get caught up in the terminology - look at what my
> design does, and whether it's a good approach from the perspectives
> of performance, modularity, and easy coexistence with the rest of
> GTK.

Of course it will be good and fast. But it will be even better, if one
does not need to extend GTK. Then GTK will be even more powerfull.

-- bis später...
 - Sascha         ---<~>=( )=<~>---

   () Free speech online

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