Bugs in gdk_exit & gtk_exit ?

  Hi !

I'm new in this list and I discovered GTK+ for some weeks.
I'm a Ph. D student and I'm working on a quite big software, designed to 
be used in medical high dependency areas (Intensive Care Unit). This 
project is compound of several modules (process). Some of these processes 
needs a user interface. We used Motif to do this work ...

But Motif is definitively too Big and too slow, so we (I ?) decided to 
switch to GTK+.

The result is MUCH faster (10 to 20 factor at launch) and smaller (50% to 
70% RAM saved)

I think I've found a little bug in gdk_exit() and the same :-) in gtk_exit().

In fact, the bug seems to be that a atexit() function (ie a fonction 
found in a atexit() call) call the exit() function ! (indirectly)

So, user atexit functions are called several times, witch is very bad in 
my case !!!

the following patch seems to correct the problem :
[cut here]-------------------------------------------------------------------
diff -r -P -p gtk+/gdk/gdk.c gtk+alex/gdk/gdk.c
*** gtk+/gdk/gdk.c	Sun Apr 27 06:00:45 1997
--- gtk+alex/gdk/gdk.c	Fri May 30 22:16:49 1997
*************** static void
*** 1835,1841 ****
  gdk_exit_func ()
    if (initialized)
!     gdk_exit (0);
--- 1835,1849 ----
  gdk_exit_func ()
    if (initialized)
!     {
!       gdk_image_exit ();
!       gdk_key_repeat_restore ();
!       XCloseDisplay (gdk_display);
!       initialized = 0;
!     }
diff -r -P -p gtk+/gtk/gtkmain.c gtk+alex/gtk/gtkmain.c
*** gtk+/gtk/gtkmain.c	Sun Apr 27 06:00:37 1997
--- gtk+alex/gtk/gtkmain.c	Fri May 30 22:18:44 1997
*************** static void
*** 560,566 ****
  gtk_exit_func ()
    if (initialized)
!     gtk_exit (0);
  static void
--- 560,573 ----
  gtk_exit_func ()
    if (initialized)
!     {
!       initialized = FALSE;
!       gtk_preview_uninit ();
!     }
  static void
[cut here]---------------------------------------------------------------------

  Does anyboby have the same problem ?


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