Re: [gtk-list] Documenting GTK

Words Of Jay Painter:
>I have been thinking about writing a set of CGI scripts which would allow
>us to document GTK calls on the web.  The general idea is that there would
>be a web page that you could search for a gtk function on, then edit and
>submit the documentation for the call right there.  The changes/additions
>would appear immeadiately on the web site.
>My hope is that this would take less coordination than the tekinfo
>documents, and would make it more reasonable for people to contribute
>small amounts of documentation.

Excellent idea.

You should restrict access by username/password and perhaps 
work in RCS to control the revisions. 

Perhaps there is interest in having the FAQ maintained the
same way?  

Shawn T. Amundson		University of Minnesota
Systems Administration	 	Computer Science System Staff     	

Count your friends, it won't take long; including yourself, you'll
find you only have one; you better have fun. -- Cathrine

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