Re: [gtk-list] guile-gtk-0.8 and ref counting stuff


Great work!  I have been following guile-gtk and have two questions.

1.  I just downloaded the 0.8 version, applied the interp patch to a vanilla
0.99.0 GTK and compiled.  calc.scm and hello.scm ran fine, but test-gtk.scm
fails.  Are you having the same problem?

2.  I am working on a multithreaded GUI using GTK and am implementing it using
what I am calling a thread proxy.  All GTK calls will be made by a single
thread dedicated to maintaining the GUI, and other threads can send it
messages telling it what commands to execute.  It seems that there is some
overlap between  the work you have done using gtk.defs to enable guile calls
and this idea. I need the proxy thread to interpret the messages sent to it.
Any thoughts? Are the additions you are making to GTK (gtk_input_add_interp)
at all helpful for this?  Is the GUBI stuff coming  also with a common
solution to this issue?


$cott Dybiec

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