Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK stability for GIMP 1.0

> The scalability problem is pretty much inherent in the interface
> of the tree widget - since it uses a widget for each entry,
> the memory and time required to display big trees like a ls -lR
> of a filesystem (easily ~20,000 files) or even all usenet newsgroups
> is prohibitive. Not to mention the fact that, since it uses
> a GDK window as big as the tree, it is limited to being trees
> 32,768 pixels long)
Ok, i'm seeing the problem. I've seen this problem at the beginning of
my development. 

> This is a general problem we need to address after 1.0 - my
> personal preference is to rewrite the list, tree, and clist
> widgets in terms of a grid widget that either fill cells
> on demand or can optionally store just a text string or pixmap
> in a cell instead of a full widget.
How is working the grid widget ?

> The alternative is to use something like Raph Levien's Gzw 
> widgets, which don't have the 32,768 limit and are somewhat
> lighter weight.
I'll seeing this widget.

> As for generality, it would be nice to have a tree widget that
> could do multi-column lists, and could display user-selected
> pixmaps at the nodes. But these should come fairly easily when
> we solve the scalability problems.
For multi-column, like clist, this is very difficult to do with
current implementation. But for pixmaps, i've the same idea but it's
not implemented.

    _/ _/_/  _/  _/_/   _/_/_/ _/_/_/ Bolliet Jerome
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