bugs in newest version of GTK?

  Good day,

so far, I had been working with the
october version of the GTK and I
downloaded the newest version yesterday.

I wonder, if some important changes
have been made to the button_press signal
(or even all signals). I intercept all
button_press events from all widgets
(my own, menu, button..) and I always get
0 values in the "x", "y" and "button"
fields of GdkEventButton. I had no problems 
with the october version of the GTK.

Also, did the srolledwindow behaviour
change? What I do is the following:
I have a scrolled window on a GtkFixed.
The GtkViewport of the GtkScrolledWindow
contains a widget I derived from GtkWidget.
The scroll policy is set to automatic.
Using the old version of the GTK, I could
set the size of my window to the same size
as the scrolled window (minus border width)
and the scrollbars disappeared. I set the
size by calling set_usize().
Now, I have to divide the size by two.
Otherwise the window will be too big and
the scrollwindow will have scrollbars.

Is this a know problem, a bug or even
a new feature I don't understand?


       Robert Roebling

Robert Roebling <roebling@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>

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