Re: [gtk-list] Compilation errors on Solaris 2.5.1 & patch...

> gdk/gdk.h, which is also included with many of the gtk*.h's, includes
> gdktypes.h, which does this:
>    #ifndef _XLIB_H_
>    #define XEvent void
>    #endif
> And never undef's the XEvent.  But then gdk/gdkx.h includes gdkprivate.h,
> which includes X11/Xlib.h, which wants to do this:
>    typedef union _XEvent {
>    /* Lotsa union components */
>    } XEvent;

I've fixed this in my tree, I'll submit it to CVS shortly, and
it should appear in the next release. (In some sense, the problem
really lies in the way the many GTK files now include gtkx.h,
which should be avoided if possible; (It certainly will be faster
not to have to include the X header files) but I've simply made 
GdkEventOther refer to GdkXEvent instead of XEvent, with

typedef void GdkXEvent 

And let the client cast it to XEvent *.)

> 2)  gdk/gdk.c contains these lines (1757-1758):
>           GdkPoint foo = {xevent->xbutton.x_root,
>                           xevent->xbutton.y_root};

Also already fixed in my tree. Thanks for the patches, though.
Hopefully, we can get rid these lingering portability
problems soon.


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