New version of Gtktree widget


This is a new version a my gtktree widget. This patch is for
gtk+-971201 release of gtk.

What's new : 
- pixmaps use good colors (thanks stefan :)
- add of two buttons in testtree for add and remove items.

Known bug (but it's too late for correct it) :
- remove an item and some items of his subtree make generally a core.

Good night.

    _/ _/_/  _/  _/_/   _/_/_/ _/_/_/ Bolliet Jerome
   _/ _/ _/ _/ _/  _/  _/  _/     _/  email:
  _/ _/  _/_/    _/   _/_/_/   _/_/   
 _/ _/    _/   _/    _/         _/    Equipe Administration Systeme
_/ _/    _/  _/_/_/ _/     _/_/_/     email:
Centre de Calcul - Campus de la Doua
  27 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918    Tel.: 04 78 93 08 80
   69622 - VILLEURBANNE - FRANCE      Fax.: 04 78 94 30 54


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