Re: [gtk-list] deleting widgets

On 10 Aug 1997, Jeff wrote:

> ok, this may be a fundamental widget set question that I should know, 
> but this is pretty much my first widget set programming experience 
> (im usually raw xlib with a tad of athena).
> once I define a window, put in a menubar, have a bunch of widgets taking
> up areas of the window, how do I 'delete' those widgets so that I can
> put other ones in their place?  lets say the program starts, the whole window
> is dedicated to a GtkImage for a title screen, then i want the GtkImage
> to go away, and some other widgets to replace it.....

hm, i still consider my solution to this somewhat unelegant,
but anyways:

i had the same problem in GUBI, because GUBI doesn't currently support a
nootebook widget, i'm using several v_boxes within one window that i need
to (dis-)appear on demand (button click).
here is the function i connected to the button:

> void
> SigH_Editor_Expand_clicked      (GtkWidget      *widget,
>                                  GtkWidget      *Box)

the box to show/hide is passed as user_data to the signal handler

> {
>         register GtkWidget      *parent;
>          g_assert(widget);
>         g_assert(Box);
>         if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(widget)->active)
>                 gtk_widget_show(Box);

and here the box acutaly gets hidden, but leaves an ugly big nothing in it's
place, because the main window doesn't get resized automaticaly.

>         else
>                 gtk_widget_hide(Box);
>         parent=Box->parent;
>         do {
>                 parent=parent->parent;
>         } while (parent->parent);

so from the box on i step upward until i find the topmost widget of the
hirarchy, which must be the main window
>         gtk_widget_set_usize(parent, -1, -1);
>         gtk_widget_set_usize(parent, 0, 0);

this was the only way to make the window perform a total size recalculation.

> }

you could also instead of hiding just destroy (gtk_widget_destroy) the widget
you want to dissapear, but you still need to force the resize. and you
certainly can't show it again ;)

BTW:	the lack of a notebook widget in GUBI is really getting on my nerves,
	i'll try to find some time for that this week!

> Jeff


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