Re: [gtk-list] GTK+ Widget Documentation

> Hmm.. where were all them folks who were so anctious to do documentation
> before ? :)  I would really like some help doing all these widgets.. it's
> a big job! 

Well, we probably thought you could manage ;-)  But seriously, I myself
have been extremely busy the past two weeks.  Didn't even have time
to read the tutorial so far.  But it's getting better, so I'll see
if I can have a look at it today and then do something this weekend.

> Be good to let me or the list know if your gonna do one though, just so
> there's no duplication of work.

Alright.  Expect something soon.


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	"Where do you live?  Where is the manager?  Where does he live?"
							-- Grosse point Blanc

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