GTK mentioned with an exclusive article in Unix Review

I don't see this mentioned anywhere, but gtk gets an article all by itself in
the current issue of Unix Review (a major trade magazine for the Unix world).

It is 

Kevin Richard and Eric Foster-Johnson.   The GIMP Toolkit.  Unix Review, Sept
1997, pages 75--78.

the article contains some introduction material on how to program in gtk. 

Just another example of the recognition gtk and the GNU Image Manipulation
Program is getting :-)

Li-Cheng Tai (Andy Tai)                       e-mail:
Visual Computing Lab                          telephone: +1 (619) 534-5935
Dept. of ECE, UCSD, Mail Code 0407            fax: +1 (619) 534-2486
La Jolla, CA 92093-0407, USA        

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