Re: Pango without FreeType (or fontconfig)

Hi Lóránt,

On 14-08-28 09:26 PM, Lóránt Pintér wrote:

I’m currently using HarfBuzz compiled to JavaScript via Emscripten with a
custom (primitive) layout engine. I’d like to replace the custom layout engine
with Pango (also compiled to JS) if possible. To do this, I’d need to be able
to compile Pango with our custom JS font loading (which already works with
HarfBuzz). Is this possible? If so, where should I start digging?

So, you are OK with the glib dependency?

Current versions of pango use a convoluted module system to choose shapers.  I
have a branch that removes most of that:

After that, you need to implement a set of PangoFontMap / PangoFontFamily /
PangoFontFace / PangoFont subclasses since you don't want to use PangoFc.
This is rather straightforward, if you don't want much font fallback.

For the shaper part, modify pangofc-shape.c.  You just need access to the
hb_face and you can do the rest from there.


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