Re: Unhelpful error message

In message <48EB681D-5652-499F-A211-0EEA0627D606 ceridwen us>, 
John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

The code in question (at gtk/gtkmain.c:622),
     if (!setlocale (LC_ALL, ""))
       g_warning ("Locale not supported by C library.\n\tUsing the =
fallback 'C' locale.");
can't see which locale isn't supported. It's set in one or more of the =
locale environment variables
(see locale(1)), and is generally the OS's fault rather than Gtk's: The =
problem isn't that translations
for gtk aren't available (that would be a gettext call), it's that the =
locale isn't enabled at the OS level.
The failure is occurring on every localized application which you run; =
it's just the Gtk ones which
are courteous enough to let you know.

To see what locales are set in your environment, from a shell prompt =
 env | egrep "(LC|LANG)"
Then check every locale according to how your distro enables them.

OK, I did what you suggested and this is all I get:


So now what?  You are apparently saying that my OS (FreeBSD) simply doesn't
support that, or else isn't currently configured to support that, correct?

OK, so what exactly does GTK need from the OS in order to cause it to
quite griping about this purported lack of OS support for en_US.UTF-8?

(Sorry to be so dense, but I am feeling my way in the dark here. I don't
know nada about internationalization, either specifically or generally.)

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