Re: U+00AD SOFT HYPHEN rendering

I've continued looking into this problem and come up with a few thoughts. According to the LINE BREAKING ALGORITHM, there are a few behaviors that can occur with SHY. It's not totally clear how best to proceed. Would it make sense to default to showing U+2010 and let tailored algorithms deal with the other possibilities? It seems like it would be possible (though perhaps not ideal) to create an attribute in PangoLogAttr for is_soft_hyphen and then use that to insert a hyphen where appropriate, though looking at the code I'm still not sure how to do this. It would need logic to check is_soft_hyphen at a potential break and, if so, check to see if there's enough width for the hyphen and break elsewhere if not. I'm also not clear on how to insert the hyphen into the layout.

Seán de Búrca

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Sean Burke <leftmostcat gmail com> wrote:

    I would like to address the bug at and have pango correctly render soft hyphens when breaking. However, I am not sure where in the code to begin. I would appreciate some direction in this regard.

Seán de Búrca

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