Re: rendering UTF-8 text to Postscript (including OCR-B and Barcode)

On 09/30/11 05:25, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm pretty new to pango/cairo, so forgive me if this is some kind of FAQ
> or otherwise a stupid question...
> I hacked together a small C-pgm to understand how pango and cairo could
> be used for the issue in the Subject: and I'm able to render UTF-8 text,
> including OCR-B (located in ~/.fonts/OCRB.pfb) to Postscript for
> printing, see attachment. It's basically a call to
>     pango_layout_set_markup(layout, "normal and OCR on same line: <span font=\"" OCRB_FONT "\">ABC 0123456789</span>", -1); 
> The missing next challenge is to print as well a Barcode label, like the
> OCR-B number.
> Could this be done on the same <span font=...> way and are there any
> free barcode fonts the most used barcode types?
> Thanks in advance
> 	matthias
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