Re: Pango OS X pango_coverage_from_cf_charset issue

John Ralls wrote:
> You thought wrong. Open it in FontBook and select
> Preview>Repertoire from the menu. No non-european glyphs.

Ah, thanks.

Would one normally expect Pango to fall back to alternate
fonts if the glyphs aren't available in the primary font?

We're passing a string like "Helvetica, Sans 24" to
pango_font_description_from_string() (via libclutter.)

Currently there seems to be a difference in Pango's font
"fall back" handling on Windows vs. OS X:

Looking briefly at Arial on Windows using charmap.exe,
and also on the Mac using FontBook, the font appears to
contain the same set of glyphs on both platforms (neither
has Japanese glyphs that I can see.)

However, on Win32, Pango is able to render the Japanese
glyphs given "Arial, Sans 18"; whereas on OS X boxes are
rendered instead.

I'm very new to Pango, so I'm in the dark as to where
the "fall back" handling would normally take place, which
appears to exist on Win32 but not OS X.

The rendering back-end in my case would be libcogl-pango
(part of the Clutter library.)

If the back-end is supposed to handle the "fall back" in
PANGO_COVERAGE_NONE cases, then this would seem to be a
Clutter/COGL issue.

But I don't know yet where the "fall back" handling is
supposed to occur.  (Is "fall back" even the correct



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