go from PangoGlyphItemIter to an index into a PangoLogAttr ?


	Could someone tell me how to go from a PangoGlyphItemIter to and
	index into a PangoLogAttr that comes from pango_layout_get_log_attrs?

	My code first gets a layout and sets the text.  Then, I do
	get_log_attrs on the text.   

	The pango docs say that the get_log_attrs function "Retrieves an
	array of logical attributes for each character in the layout. "
	What does character mean in that sentence?

	Then, after getting the log_attrs, I get a layout iter and step
	through the text by line, run, and then by

	Is there no direct way to index back into my log_attrs[] array from
	the glyphitemiter?

	thanks for any tips.  I've been staring at this for so long now.

	best -august.

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