Re: Memory ownership from pango_context_load_font(..)

Hi Martin,

I'm not sure I understand what you are doing here. Did you originally obtain a reference to the fontmap? The *_get_* functions do not return a reference.
That's all I can say right now.


On 06/02/2009 03:16 AM, Martin Sevior wrote:
Sorry for the long delay, it was difficult to explain the problem and
when I finally understood it the solution was straight forward.

The symptom as I said earlier was that abiword would *sometimes* crash
on exit due to a segfault with pango-cairo.

The backtrace should it orginating in Cairo Graphics class destructor.

The original code was this:

	delete m_pPFontGUI;

The fix was to do the following. The comments explain why it is (I
think) OK and won't cause a memory leak.

	delete m_pPFontGUI;

	// MES After much reading and playing I discovered that the
	// FontMap gets unreferenced after every font that uses it is
	// removed provided the Context is also unrefed. Leaving the unref of
	// the FontMap causes an intermitent crash on exit, particularly on
	// documents with lots of Math. This fixes those crashes and checks with
	// valgrind show no measureable increase in leacked memory.
	m_pLayoutFontMap = NULL;

Do you think this is valid? Will the final
g_object_unref(m_pLayoutContext) also do the an unref on the FontMap
and so delete it?



On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 1:19 AM, Behdad Esfahbod<behdad behdad org>  wrote:
On 05/11/2009 11:08 AM, Martin Sevior wrote:
Is the only way to free a PangoFont * pF to do


Is there pango_font_free(pF) or similar?

What's the problem you are facing?  The caching stuff in pangofc is quite
complex.  I may be able to help if you describe what anomaly you are seeing.


Thanks again!


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